Thursday, April 30, 2009


HDI is determined by the literacy, wealth, and life expectancy. HDI stands for the Human Development Index and it goes beyond just the income of people. The countries that are more developed have higher human development. The medium developed countries are smaller, but are still developed. Most of the countries located in Sub-Sahara Africa are the lowest human development. Sub-Sahara Africa is still in the process of developing. It has a lot of areas that are not close to being fully occupied. Here are a couple of examples of the Sub-Sahara countries with low HDI.

The HDI for Uganda is 0.493, which gives the country a rank of 156th out of 179 countries with data.
The HDI for Rwanda is 0.435, which gives the country a rank of 165th out of 179 countries with data.
The HDI for Ethiopia is 0.389, which gives the country a rank of 169th out of 179 countries with data.

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